Solutions for the thermal management of electrical enclosures and industrial processes in different fields

Genius – Coralis - Aqus

Windows & door solutions for sun and insects’ protection, included speed reducers, spring adjustment devices and accessories

Two Business Units, a single vision

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The products of the series:
hose-proof protection hoods

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New digital catalogue
More functionality and interaction

New digital catalogue

The new version of product catalogue offers extra digital content: by browsing it online, you can reach a greater level of detail. Just a click on the code to directly access the single data sheets for a technical insight.

New roof exhaust unit TP series in CC
Roof ventilation system

New roof exhaust unit TP series in CC

Fandis has developed a new energy-saving roof ventilation solution, expanding the range of plastic towers with 24 and 48V DC powered models. Visit the dedicated section for more information