New digital catalogue
The new version of product catalogue offers extra digital content: by browsing it online, you can reach a greater level of detail. Just a click on the code to directly access the single data sheets for a technical insight.
The document sets out the values shared within the company and with the outside world, including encouraging healthy relationships between staff members protecting them from harassment, the conduct that the company undertakes to maintain in doing business with customers, suppliers and everyone else, transparency in accounting, protecting health and safety at work and safeguarding the environment.
One of the values promoted by our Code of Ethics is that of disseminating information within the company and sharing it while respecting principles of confidentiality.
We are publishing the extended version to comply with this item of the document (created and addressed, in particular, to the members of the Board of Directors, managers, employees and members of the Board of Statutory Auditors of the Company). We invite all interested parties, including our collaborators, commercial and financial partners, consultants, agents and everyone with whom the company has business relations in general, to download it.
Here you can find updates and news regarding events, trade shows, webinars and all the appointments we will attend. In addition, we will announce the launch of new products and provide exclusive news for community members